People have always been at the heart of the SHV story, a fact reflected in our purpose: “Courage to care for generations to come”.
Our values, and our alignment with Sustainability Development Goal (SDG) 8, both promote ongoing, inclusive and sustainable economic growth; full and productive employment; and decent work for all. We pursue the development of a highly engaged workforce that reflects the makeup of the societies in which we operate, believing that diverse and inclusive teams better understand and reflect customers and stakeholders; enhance business performance; and work more creatively and innovatively.
By 2030, we aim to see women occupy a minimum 25% of senior leadership positions, and senior management teams to comprise at least two different nationalities. This target will be continuously reviewed following external developments.
The differences in business activities across SHV Groups mean that some will achieve these targets sooner than others. Definitions, functions, and job levels will need to be harmonised to provide an accurate representation of the progress. Yet the process of measuring and benchmarking our targets is in full swing and we aim to report reliable and comparable figures by 2023.
We recognise the true potential in all people, welcoming everyone as valued members of our family. We actively contribute to a safe working environment built on respect for each other.
To further establish a reputation as a place where women can flourish, SHV introduced the ‘Taking the Stage’ development programme in 2020. The programme is designed to provide female colleagues with guidance on becoming more effective leaders, as well as support them in combatting bias. It provides a unique environment for women not only to learn, but also to connect and network with other women in the organisation. Over 30 colleagues have trained as facilitators and then delivered the programme to over 500 female participants. To honour our commitment to being foremost an inclusive company, a ‘Sharing the Stage’ programme is in the making, a platform for both male and female colleagues to discuss what is needed to create a true unbiased culture throughout SHV.
Full and productive employment and decent work for all goes beyond Diversity and Inclusion. It also involves the development and improvement of a wide variety of HR and HR-related processes to create an inspiring, safe, and considerate workplace. This is even more relevant in these challenging times dominated by COVID-19. All SHV Groups recognise and fully support this vision and Care for People is a top priority for all.
Employee engagement and wellbeing came to the fore at SHV Energy, with many office employees still working from home during 2021 and limited travel only possible during the second half of the year. SHV Energy piloted the tool that was built together with Korn Ferry, to evaluate progress on fair pay in five countries. When combined with the implementation of the global job framework, this tool allows for clear comparison between roles. The global roll-out of Workday, the HR information and performance management system, was also completed during the year, aligning talent management and performance tracking across all business units. To address labour shortage in many of its markets, SHV Energy strengthened its employer branding, placing an emphasis on making sure that potential applicants fully understand the company’s role in the energy transition and its long-term position in the energy industry.
At Makro, Diversity and Inclusion agendas have been set out in every operating country aimed at engaging and retaining staff. The company implemented a number of initiatives such as development programmes for women and minority groups; antiracist awareness campaigns; D&I committees; as well as surveys measuring adherence to D&I principles and best practices. In line with the corporate strategy, Makro continues to focus on increasing gender diversity and cultural representation in leadership positions at all levels.
In response to COVID-19 restrictions, Mammoet supported field crews with frequent check-in conversations and coaching. Succession and talent pipelines were both strengthened and a greater number of talent was promoted, including a large proportion of female colleagues. A focus on performance management, supported by relevant tools and training, resulted in increased awareness of and higher adherence to processes and enhanced performance levels in individuals, teams, and the business as a whole.
ERIKS reinforced its approach to building a high performance organisation with performance management, training, and the fostering of a learning-based culture. Over 50,000 individual learning sessions were completed by employees over the course of 2021. Diversity and inclusion also plays an essential role and a number of initiatives took place to promote the theme. External experts were invited in to raise awareness on issues such as unconscious biases. Efforts to promote diversity continued to yield results, with a growing share of females in management. Senior management has also been significantly strengthened by new appointments representing several nationalities and a variety of industries, such as automotive and logistics.
Nutreco remains focused on three key areas of balanced gender representation, increased national representation, and an inclusive culture. This involves acquiring and investing in talent, shaping leadership behaviours, and building a more diverse workforce. A dedicated career site was launched in support of these goals, providing candidates with access to relevant stories and an engaging overall experience. The company included world-class learning in its course catalogue, and used the platform to launch a curated Management Essentials programme on new leaders. Employees also received the opportunity to undertake digital coaching on an individual basis.
Diversity and inclusion are also an integral part of Kiwa’s recruitment strategy. Attracting women and colleagues from minority backgrounds into operational and management positions remains a key goal. The online Kiwa Academy, which offers a wide range of professional training modules, was supplemented by over 100 new courses aimed at personal development and growth. The Leadership Development Program continued to support colleagues in their current—and future—line management roles. A new global career website was also launched, including new employer branding elements and a modernised vacancy management system.
Although the private equity sector remains male-dominated, NPM has increased both the diversity of its workforce and the retention and development of female talent. This is visible in the ongoing internal promotions of female colleagues into more senior roles. Internal training, focused on improving negotiation and valuation skills, is available to all colleagues with some also participating in wider SHV management development programmes.
Passionate about the ongoing success of our people, our business, and the communities around us.
We strive to help shape the future by driving sustainable development around us through education and knowledge, including supporting the sustainable and positive development of the society in which we work and live. To offer education is to make a long-term investment in people and, ultimately, in communities.
Through our internal campaign "Start from the Heart" we commit to investing in people through education.
With a presence in so many countries all over the world, our Groups are uniquely positioned to understand the challenges and needs of their local communities and are encouraged to initiate and support local projects. By supporting educational programmes, we enable people to support themselves.
In recognition of all the great initiatives that take place locally, a Lapwing Award is presented to the best projects each year. The award encourages and acknowledges all the great work being done throughout SHV with respect to "Start from the Heart" activities.
Caring about people means creating and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions for everyone who works with us and for us.
This remained a top priority throughout the organisation in the face of the continuing global pandemic. Extensive safety measures across stores, factories, filling plants, distribution centres, and offices were tailored to each workplace’s requirements, with an emphasis on the importance of clear communications, good hygiene, protective equipment, working from home, and following government guidelines.
The unwavering aim across all Groups is that every single person safely returns home every single day. We call this philosophy ‘Zero Harm, Zero incidents’.
Our journey to ‘Zero Harm, Zero Incidents’ has focused on a single, transparent system of recording all incidents globally and consistently. From 2022 onwards, this will include the Total Recordable Frequency Rate (TRFR), clearly showing the number of reported injuries within a particular category per 100 employees per year, helping to analyse issues and prevent their reoccurrence within key areas such as:
- Internal transport and material handling
- Fire and explosion risks
- Road Safety
- Machines
- Handling of hazardous substances
Other essential factors in meeting our target of zero incidents include leadership acting as a role model, and a competent, well-trained workforce that takes responsibility for its own safety – and for the safety of others. Appropriate training and guidance are provided for everyone.
We also implemented and improved a wide range of processes and programmes to support our goals over the year, such as:
- Life-Saving Rules setting out the standards protecting people against the highest risks.
- Process safety ensuring the safest possible design across all plants and installations to prevent hazards such as fire, chemical reactions and explosion.
- Reporting all incidents and near misses to support cross-Group learnings and the adoption of best practices.
In October, a global Safety Week featured expert speakers and a number of specialist workshops both at SHV Holdings and across the Groups. A cross-Group safety video was also produced to highlight the importance we place on Health and Safety, aimed at both internal and external audiences.
On top of umbrella activities coordinated by SHV Holdings, each Group also adopts a specific safety plan covering all relevant activities. Numerous safety-related initiatives and actions took place across the Groups over the year.
SHV Energy continued to develop, roll out, and improve its Safe Systems of Work. This includes a revised, globally aligned Health and Safety Risk Assessment Process. It also extends Operational Discipline and Process Safety to cover an additional 100 or so filling plants. The Visible Felt Leadership assessment tool demonstrated a clear improvement in the company’s Health and Safety culture over the year.
SHV Energy also developed CARE - its Health and Safety Change programme. CARE sets out a roadmap for progressing from the reactive ‘9 H&S Life Saving Rules’ to the proactive ‘7 H&S CARE Habits’. The programme is designed to help the company achieve its ultimate goal of zero fatalities and zero life-changing events due to a failure of its plant, equipment, or safety management systems.
Makro set a goal of zero incidents involving people and zero occupational diseases. A focus on Health and Safety reduced the Recordable Incidents Rate by 65%, supported by a highly committed management that took part in the Visible Felt Leadership workshops. Other initiatives included a ‘Lessons Learned’ analysis of every incident to share knowledge between Business Units and guide the implementation of best practices.
For Mammoet too, Health and Safety remained up front and centre and included an emphasis on mental well-being and the preservation of social cohesion. This was supported by frequent check-in conversations, toolbox meetings with field crews, and even support from specialist coaches. The company’s existing Safety Health Environment and Quality (SHE-Q) management system continues to meet the strictest global requirements. One significant development came in the form of the Inbisco Process Management tool. This new software will support the documentation of Mammoet’s core processes, which will then be accessible to all employees.
At ERIKS, safety is one of its core values, ensuring all colleagues return home safely. During 2021, ERIKS was focusing on safety leadership. The 8 Life Saving rules were introduced during the Safety week and embracing these rules will support to mitigate high risk by training people. The target is to focus on zero harm mindset everywhere, from Shopfloor to Management Boards, and this target will be achieved by the deployment of the 8 Life Saving rules during 2022.
Nutreco fully embraced SHV’s purpose, Courage to care for generations to come, with Health and Safety taking a prominent role in the business. A dedicated Global HSE Centre of Expertise has been set up to promote the theme across the company, supported by a range of initiatives to influence leadership behaviour and control operational risks: training senior management teams in Leadership Behaviours Through Safety; the development of a Nutreco Health, Safety and Environment Policy statement; the deployment of the Nutreco Life Saving rules; and last but not least, a four-year strategic safety roadmap called ‘Zero Harm Mindset’. Nutreco continues to invest significant resources into the enhancement of safety in existing and future projects.
Health and safety plays an inherent role in Kiwa’s business and, as such, is also deeply engrained into company culture. The Kiwa Health and Safety policy sets out the steps every employee can take to supporting a safe and healthy working environment both at Kiwa and at client sites – which can be a potential source of risk. The policy also details a Health and Safety plan for each country in which the company operates. The plan includes targeted actions to identify, reduce and eliminate relevant risks, and the precise procedures to follow in the event of an accident. In 2021, a global safety compliance audit confirmed that all operations conformed to local regulations and the overall corporate policy. The annual Incident Report recorded zero major accidents, incidents, or fatal injuries.
Health and Safety is also an intrinsic part of NPM Capital and its goal of Zero Harm, with risk assessments integral to the due diligence of any acquisition. NPM then ensures the theme remains a consistent topic on the agenda of the Supervisory Board throughout the investment period. In 2021, NPM reinforced this approach to safety still further by working closely with SHV Holdings and implementing best practices from other SHV Groups, such as a focus on leadership training and lifesaving rules.
Driven by an entrepreneurial mindset, we explore different perspectives on the road to progress, while we listen, learn, and react to create and seize new opportunities.
Innovation has played a key role throughout the history of SHV. We have always shown curiosity and thought creatively, from the first mechanical coal transporter way back in 1904 to today’s Digital search tool WIKI (ERIKS) and smart scale solutions for cylinders (SHV Energy).
Thanks to innovation, we have continually adapted to—and often shaped—changing markets by finding new ways to grow. In 2017, we launched an SHV-wide Innovation Movement to accelerate innovation and stimulate further growth. Our guiding principles around this movement are captured in the SHV Innovation Manifesto, to guarantee a common language for collaboration and clear understanding of innovation success elements. This ongoing work will enable us to stay ahead in our markets and contribute to a sustainable future. It may take some time, however, before the results are reflected in our financial performance.
The Innovation Movement aims to embed innovation deeply within every Group, while keeping customer needs front and centre. It supports cross-Group cooperation and the exchange of best practices, while at the same time recognising differences in industries and market maturity.
Each Group works with an assigned, dedicated Innovation Lead to focus on the delivery of innovative products, services, and process improvements by managing innovation funnels and ideas. Innovation Leads will also foster cross-Group collaboration and knowledge exchange to enhance our ability to innovate.
In 2021 we organised a successful SHV-wide Innovation Day, sharing learnings on How to organise innovation beyond our core-business. Colleagues from our boards, innovation- and IT teams joined from all Groups, presenting and discussing cases that inspire and promote better innovation across the eco-system. External speakers also joined to keep a fresh outside in view and trigger our curiosity.
TEXAS - an open-innovation programme developed to reinforce our digital capabilities, connect to the eco-system, and learn faster than others – delivered two pilots in 2021 in collaboration with technology scale-ups. One was a Proof of Concept at Calor Ireland to explore remote maintenance for LPG tank inspections to increase the quality of the inspection and reduce the amount of onsite presence needed. In the other pilot we tested Artificial Intelligence to lock and unclock knowledge at ERIKS.
Working openly and honestly, we never compromise our values to boost our results. Our values are visible in our everyday actions.
SHV has always been committed to achieving the highest standards of ethics and integrity, with everyone expected to take business decisions that reflect our values.
We all share a responsibility to act with integrity in line with both the law and our own policies. As part of a culture that never has—and never will—tolerate unethical or unlawful behaviour, we have a duty to ensure we do business in a compliant and ethical manner. Any failure to do so will be immediately looked into and appropriate action will be taken.
SHV management is responsible for embedding this commitment across the business. Independent Ethics and Compliance departments in each Group provide insights into the expected behaviour and support management in maintaining unimpeachable standards. Ethics and Compliance departments also provide colleagues with the right tools to deal with challenging circumstances and difficult dilemmas.
SHV Holdings has in place a clear Ethics and Compliance framework and associated policies. The SHV Groups are responsible for implementing and continuously updating this framework in their organisations. The Ethics and Compliance function works closely with, amongst others, management, HR, Legal and Internal Audit.
As part of the Ethics and Compliance programme, SHV offers a company-wide service within a safe environment for all employees and other stakeholders to voice any concerns about workplace practices. This service, called "Speak Up", is a confidential phone line and webservice that is used throughout SHV.
Together, this comprehensive set of measures helps SHV to meet its strong commitment to an company-wide culture of integrity and trust.

Health and Safety

Ethics and Compliance